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With many staff now working remotely, organisations have had to adjust their IT strategies to cope . Cyber strategies have had to adapt too, with new vulnerabilities coming to the fore. According to recent research from Computing , 53 per cent of organisations have suffered social engineering attacks which play on the uncertainties created by the pandemic, and 44 per cent have seen increased malware attacks. The same number feel that they are more vulnerable to malware now than at the start of 2020. Whilst the volume and severity of cyber attacks seems constantly to rise, there are new tools and strategies for organisations to deploy in their defence. Most find that a combination of regular training, a spread of the right tools, and visibility of logs and monitoring dashboards reduces risk to acceptable levels. But which tools are the best fit for your organisation? How can you make training relevant and memorable, and should you link it to KPIs? How do you ensure you're seeing the

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