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CYBRSEC CEE Regions & Cities 2021

Cybersecurity and digital resilience in Europe are dependent on the participation of its regions and cities, as well as on a true public-private collaboration. This is where the transition, based on security and values, should begin. That is why CYBERSEC CEE Regions & Cities was established, and this is why Krynica goes digital…. As one of the most influential public policy conferences in Europe, its mission is to enhance and highlight the potential of interregional cooperation and regional capabilities of the CEE. We are doing so by providing a leading forum to carve, discuss and establish critical technology management, partnerships and cybersecurity policies. Previous editions of CYBERSEC in Krakow, Katowice, Warsaw, Brussels, Washington DC, and online, gathered leading European decisionmakers, transatlantic envoys, security professionals and technology experts.

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