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Fluoroacetate team crowned as Master of Pwn2Own 2019 for finding multiple zero-day bugs

Fluoroacetate team crowned as Master of Pwn2Own 2019 for finding multiple zero-day bugs
  • Fluoroacetate team managed to exploit the Chromium-based infotainment system of the Tesla Model 3 using the JIT bug in the renderer to display their message.
  • The same team successfully exploited Safari, Virtualbox, VMware, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge in the first two days of the contest and earned over $340,000.

In the last 2 days of thePwn2Own Vancouver 2019, KunnaPwn team and Fluoroacetate team were competing to target the VCSEC component and the Chromium-based infotainment system of a Tesla Model 3 vehicle in the automotive category.

The contest organizers stated that the winner will win Tesla Model 3 as the prize apart from the award money.

Winner of Pwn2Own 2019

The Fluoroacetate team of Richard Zhu and Amat Cama successfully exploited Safari, Virtualbox, VMware, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge in the first two days of the contest and earned over $340,000.

The same team managed to exploit the Chromium-based infotainment system of the Tesla Model 3 using the JIT bug in the renderer to display their message. This earned them $35,000 and the Tesla Model 3 vehicle.

The team earned a total of 36 Master of Pwn points and total prize money of $375,000.

Worth noting - It should be noted that Fluoroacetate team also won the last year Pwn2Own contest and earned prize money of $215,000 and the title ‘Master of Pwn’.

What’s the conclusion - The Fluoroacetate team bagged the title ‘the Master of Pwn’ for 2019. “As always, onsite vendors have received the details of these bugs and now have 90 days to produce security patches to address the issues we reported,” the organizers of the contest concluded.

Cyware Publisher

