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Ho-Ho-Hold Up! Let's Talk Online Safety for the Holidays

Ho-Ho-Hold Up! Let's Talk Online Safety for the Holidays

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Hey there, internet travelers! It's me, your friendly digital elf on the shelf (I don’t build presents, but I’m short and climb grocery shelves to get the holiday treats I need), and I'm here to sprinkle some wisdom on staying cyber-safe during the holiday season. You know, the time of year when our screens light up brighter than the Rockefeller Christmas Tree.

Santa’s Not the Only One Making a List :scroll:

You know who’s naughty or nice, but so do cybercriminals. They're making lists of weak passwords and unsecured accounts. My advice? Use long, complex passwords or passphrases and consider a password manager. Think of it as putting your passwords in a digital snow globe – pretty to look at, but hard to crack!

Don't Let Phishers Ruin Your Festivities :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Phishing emails are like those ugly holiday sweaters: unwanted and sometimes hard to identify. They might promise you a free PlayStation 5 or a lifetime supply of gingerbread cookies, but don't take the bait! Remember, if an offer in your inbox looks too 'elfin' good to be true, it probably is. Don't click on mysterious links or attachments; not all surprises are pleasant!

Online Shopping: Be a Smart Cookie, Not a Fruitcake  :cookie: :cake:

Online shopping? More like sleigh-ing the shopping game! Online shopping can be a winter wonderland, but it's also a playground for scammers. Always check the legitimacy of websites. A missing padlock icon in the address bar? That's your cue to dash away, dash away, dash away all!

App-y Holidays: Download Wisely :iphone:

Not all apps bring joy to the world. Some are disguised as naughty imposters waiting to steal your data. Only download apps from trusted sources. Remember, just like too much eggnog, not all apps are good for you.

Don't Let Scrooge Steal Your Info

Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to personal information. Oversharing online is like giving Scrooge the keys to your digital kingdom. Keep your private information just that – private.

The Ghost of Data Past: Update Your Software :ghost:

Outdated software is like a ghost of Christmas past – it haunts your device with security vulnerabilities. Regular updates are your Scrooge transformation – they keep your digital spirits bright and secure!

A Partridge in a Wi-Fi Tree

Public Wi-Fi is convenient, sure, but it's about as secure as a partridge in a pear tree – in other words, it’s not. At all. If you must use public Wi-Fi, use a VPN to keep your data encrypted and hidden from cyber-grinches.

Wrapping It Up (With a Bow on Top!) :gift:

There you have it! With these tips, you're ready to jingle all the way to a safe and secure holiday season. Remember, staying cyber-secure is a great gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. Happy holidays to all, and to all a safe click!

Jingle bells, hackers smell, secure your accounts today! Oh what fun it is to shop in a safe and secure way!

Emily Phelps

Emily L. Phelps has made a career out of transforming insincere, self-congratulatory content into honest, authentic stories. Nearly a decade ago, Emily fell in love with the cybersecurity industry, building brands, building online communities, and supporting organizational growth. She aims to help the security community by getting the right information to the right people in the right way.


online security tips
cybersecurity awareness
holiday shopping season

Posted on: November 20, 2023

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