Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant: Open-Source API Service Designed for Learning

Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant is an open-source project that allows developers to learn to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their code through an interactive game.

US Government and OpenSSF Partner on New SBOM Management Tool

Protobom, the new open source software tool, will help all organizations read and generate SBOMs and file data, as well as translate this data across standard industry SBOM formats.

Microsoft will Limit Exchange Online Bulk Emails to Fight Spam

"Exchange Online enforces a Recipient Rate limit of 10,000 recipients. The 2,000 ERR limit will become a sub-limit within this 10,000 Recipient Rate limit," the Exchange Team said on Monday.

New Google Workspace Feature Prevents Sensitive Security Changes if Two Admins Don’t Approve Them

If the feature is enabled, certain sensitive admin actions can be taken only if approved by an admin who did not initiate them and thus, in theory, preventing accidental or unauthorized changes made by either malicious insiders or outsiders

WebCopilot: Open-Source Automation Tool Enumerates Subdomains, Detects Bugs

WebCopilot is an open-source automation tool that enumerates a target’s subdomains and discovers bugs using various free tools. It simplifies the application security workflow and reduces reliance on manual scripting.

GitHub’s New AI-Powered Tool Auto-Fixes Vulnerabilities in Your Code

GitHub introduced a new AI-powered feature capable of speeding up vulnerability fixes while coding. This feature is in public beta and automatically enabled on all private repositories for GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) customers.

Lynis: Open-Source Security Auditing Tool

Lynis is a comprehensive open-source security auditing tool for UNIX-based systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD. Its main objective is to evaluate security measures and recommend enhancing system hardening.

MobSF: Open-Source Security Research Platform for Mobile Apps

The Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) offers both static analysis for mobile app binaries and dynamic analysis for Android and iOS applications, streamlining security assessments.

Google Safe Browsing Makes Real-Time Protection Private

The Standard version of Safe Browsing has been updated to support real-time data lookup, as many unsafe sites exist for less than 10 minutes, slipping through locally stored lists.

Tor’s New WebTunnel Bridges Mimic HTTPS Traffic to Evade Censorship

While some countries have found ways to detect and block traditional Tor connections, the Tor Project has developed WebTunnel to make it harder for censors to block connections by blending the traffic with HTTPS-encrypted web traffic.

Defend Against Threats with Cyber Fusion

Cyware is the leading provider of cyber fusion solutions that power threat intelligence sharing , end-to-end automation and 360-degree threat response.

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