Lightweight Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP Lite)

Collaborate better with your ISACs, ISAOs, and CERTs with automated bidirectional threat intelligence sharing and actioning for proactive threat defense at a fraction of the costs of other threat intelligence platforms (TIPs).

Automate Threat Intel Sharing and Actioning; Collaborate Better with ISACs/ISAOs

Intel Exchange Lite is the platform of choice for small and medium-sized ISAC, ISAO, and CERT Members looking to automate their threat intelligence lifecycle, and share and collaborate better with their ISAC, ISAO, and CERT Hubs.

Defend Better, Faster, and Stronger with Threat Intel Automation

Intel Exchange Lite enables smaller and mid-sized ISAC/ISAO/CERT members to automate entire threat intelligence lifecycle while fostering stronger and faster collaboration with their ISAC/ISAO/CERT Hubs.
Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange (CTIX)
Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange (CTIX)

Top Use Cases

STIX-based bidirectional threat intel sharing with ISACs/ISAOs/CERTs

STIX-based bidirectional threat intel sharing with ISACs/ISAOs/CERTs

Automated threat intel ingestion from commercial and OSINT sources

Automated threat intel ingestion from commercial and OSINT sources

Automated threat intel enrichment and contextualization

Automated threat intel enrichment and contextualization

Automated SIEM lookup, reference, and intel update for threat detection and monitoring

Automated SIEM lookup, reference, and intel update for threat detection and monitoring

Automated blocking of threat indicators (IOCs) in firewall, AV, IPS, etc.

Automated blocking of threat indicators (IOCs) in firewall, AV, IPS, etc.

Assign high-priority indicators and threats to analysts for manual review

Assign high-priority indicators and threats to analysts for manual review