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Critical Git Vulnerability Allows RCE When Cloning Repositories With Submodules

The vulnerability can be exploited on multi-user machines, where an attacker can prepare a local repository to look like a partial clone that is missing an object, causing Git to execute arbitrary code during the clone operation.

Cybersecurity Analysis Exposes High-Risk Assets in Power and Healthcare Sectors

Traditional approaches to vulnerability management result in a narrow focus of the enterprise attack surface area that overlooks a considerable amount of risk, according to Claroty.

BLint: Open-Source Tool to Check the Security Properties of Your Executables

BLint is a Binary Linter designed to evaluate the security properties and capabilities of executable files. It utilizes LIEF (Library for Executable and Instrumentation Format) for its operations.

MITRE EMB3D Improves Security for Embedded Devices

The EMB3D model provides a common understanding of cyber threats to embedded devices and the security mechanisms needed to mitigate them. It is based on observations of threat actor activities, security research, and device vulnerability reports.

AI’s Rapid Growth Puts Pressure on CISOs to Adapt to New Security Risks

The increased use of AI further complicates CISO role as industries begin to realize the full potential of GenAI and its impact on cybersecurity, according to a report by Trellix.

Red Teaming: The Key Ingredient for Responsible AI

Red teaming involves employing ethical hackers to rigorously test AI systems for security and safety issues. It is crucial for developing responsible AI that balances innovation and compliance with ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

How Secure is the “Password Protection” on Your Files and Drives?

Password protection alone is not enough to securely protect files and drives, as it can be easily circumvented, and hardware-based encryption is recommended for robust data security.

Nmap 7.95 Released With New OS and Service Detection Signatures

Nmap 7.95 introduces a substantial update with 336 new signatures, expanding the total to 6,036. Notable additions include support for the latest iOS versions 15 & 16, macOS Ventura & Monterey, Linux 6.1, OpenBSD 7.1, and lwIP 2.2.

GenAI Enables Cybersecurity Leaders to Hire More Entry-Level Talent

Aroudn 93% of security leaders said public GenAI was in use across their respective organizations, and 91% reported using GenAI specifically for cybersecurity operations, according to Splunk.

Selfie Spoofing Becomes Popular Identity Document Fraud Technique

Selfie spoofing and document image-of-image fraud have become the most prevalent identity document fraud techniques, with older demographics being targeted at nearly four times the rate, according to Socure.

Defend Against Threats with Cyber Fusion

Cyware is the leading provider of cyber fusion solutions that power threat intelligence sharing , end-to-end automation and 360-degree threat response.

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