reNgine: Open-Source Automated Reconnaissance Framework for Web Applications

Developed to address limitations in existing tools, reNgine is beneficial for bug bounty hunters, penetration testers, and corporate security teams by automating and enhancing their information collection processes.

Microsoft Releases New-Open Source Tool for OT Security

Microsoft has released a new open-source security tool to close gaps in threat analysis for industrial control systems and help address increased nation-state attacks on critical infrastructure.

Prompt Fuzzer: Open-Source Tool for Strengthening GenAI Apps

Prompt Fuzzer is interactive and user-friendly, allowing users to repeat the process as many times as needed to harden their system prompts and see their security score increase as the prompt becomes more resilient.

UK Enacts IoT Cybersecurity Law

The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Act has come into effect, requiring manufacturers of consumer-grade IoT products sold in the UK to stop using guessable default passwords and have a vulnerability disclosure policy.

LSA Whisperer: Open-source tools for interacting with authentication packages

The tool allows users to directly recover multiple types of credentials from the LSASS without accessing its memory. This includes recovering Kerberos tickets, SSO cookies, DPAPI credential keys, and NTLMv1 responses.

Google Meet opens client-side encrypted calls to non Google users

Google announced it is updating the client-side encryption mechanism for Google Meet to allow external participants, including those without Google accounts, to join encrypted calls.

Cloud Console Cartographer: Open-Source Tool Helps Security Teams Transcribe Log Activity

Cloud Console Cartographer is an open-source tool that maps noisy log activity into highly consolidated, succinct events to help security practitioners cut through the noise and understand console behavior in their environment.

Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant: Open-Source API Service Designed for Learning

Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant is an open-source project that allows developers to learn to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their code through an interactive game.

US Government and OpenSSF Partner on New SBOM Management Tool

Protobom, the new open source software tool, will help all organizations read and generate SBOMs and file data, as well as translate this data across standard industry SBOM formats.

Microsoft will Limit Exchange Online Bulk Emails to Fight Spam

"Exchange Online enforces a Recipient Rate limit of 10,000 recipients. The 2,000 ERR limit will become a sub-limit within this 10,000 Recipient Rate limit," the Exchange Team said on Monday.

Defend Against Threats with Cyber Fusion

Cyware is the leading provider of cyber fusion solutions that power threat intelligence sharing , end-to-end automation and 360-degree threat response.

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