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List of Data Breaches, Malware, Vulnerabilities, Scams, and Issued Patches in March 2018

List of Data Breaches, Malware, Vulnerabilities, Scams, and Issued Patches in March 2018

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March has witnessed a number of big data breaches, cyber incidents, emergence of new malware, disclosure of vulnerabilities and new scams targeting people from different sections of the society. The biggest names that grabbed headlines were Facebook - that suffered a data breach impacting at least 50 million people, Memcached based DDoS attack - the biggest and baddest of them all DDoS attacks, and disclosure by the U.S government authorities about a series of campaign run Russian hackers targeting critical infrastructure.

Amongst these, the malware cryptocurrency miners and ransomware continued to fight the battle for dominance with the former taking an edge. Other interesting malware discovered this month were Qrypter, CannibalRAT, ThreadKit and GoScanSSH. Several vulnerabilities with high severity were also disclosed. However, adequate patches were also released by the respective companies for protecting their customers.

The following is a consolidated report of all major data breaches, malware, vulnerabilities and scams reported in March, 2018.







top malware
data breaches
windows vulnerability

Posted on: June 06, 2018

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