Scaling SecOps: How Cyware Quarterback Elevates the Game for Security Analysts

Scaling SecOps: How Cyware Quarterback Elevates the Game for Security Analysts - Featured Image

Analyst Experience May 13, 2024

An unprecedented wave of AI-driven innovation is underway, changing the way cybersecurity solutions are built and delivered. While many security AI tools promise to assist analysts with mundane duties, organizations can only derive true value from an AI solution that can perform a wide range of security tasks through a deeply connected security fabric. Cyware Quarterback is designed to do exactly that; built from scratch, it is the industry’s only solution to democratize AI by adding an artificial intelligence layer on any organization's set of disparate cybersecurity tools to assist in complex decision-making and executing effective actions.

Reimagining Security Workflows for the AI Age

In the demanding world of Security Operations Centers (SOCs), where analysts must swiftly and accurately respond to threats while working through dozens of security tools and thousands of alerts, the introduction of Cyware Quarterback marks a significant improvement for the analyst experience. This AI-powered tool is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of security teams, transforming how analysts interact with threat data, respond to incidents, and collaborate. Quarterback leverages advanced AI capabilities to not only automate routine tasks but also perform threat investigations, provide actionable insights, and execute actions in all security and IT tools through a single window interface, facilitating a more strategic approach to cybersecurity.

Cyware Quarterback’s AI capabilities support security analysts at every step of their daily workflows, including but not limited to:

  • Threat Analysis and Prioritization with AI : By assessing the severity and potential impact of each threat on an organization’s unique infrastructure, Cyware Quarterback helps analysts analyze threat data and prioritize their responses efficiently, ensuring that the most critical alerts are addressed first.

  • Decision-Making Support for Effective Response Actions : Cyware Quarterback suggests appropriate response actions based on the nature of an alert or threat, its contextual knowledge about the organization, and historical data of previous incidents. These recommendations help analysts make quick, informed decisions on how to handle each situation best.

  • Action Scope and Approval : Quarterback allows analysts to determine the scope of its actions and takes their approval before executing any critical actions, such as resetting user accounts or systems.

  • Alert and Incident Enrichment Using AI : Using Cyware Quarterback, analysts can enrich incoming alerts with additional context by pulling information from integrated third-party tools, internal security events, and external intelligence sources. This helps analysts understand the broader implications of each alert or incident, providing deeper insights into the root causes and potential secondary effects.

  • Knowledge Management and Reporting : Cyware Quarterback documents every action it takes to form a comprehensive knowledge base. It generates concise reports and alert/case summaries that can be shared with leadership to provide updates on security status and actions taken.

  • Action Verification and Effectiveness Assessment : After actions are taken, Quarterback conducts follow-up checks to confirm that the responses were effective and that the threat has been neutralized. This verification process ensures that no residual risks remain and that the actions taken were sufficient.

  • Identification of Related Threats and Compromised Users : By analyzing data patterns and user behavior, Cyware Quarterback identifies not only isolated incidents but also related threats and potentially compromised users. This capability allows for a more proactive approach to security, preventing further incidents before they occur.

  • Security Automation with Promptbooks : Quarterback’s use of promptbooks automates routine security tasks and responses. These promptbooks contain predefined action sets that can be triggered automatically based on specific threat characteristics. This automation significantly speeds up the response time and reduces the manual workload on analysts.

Leading the Charge: A Paradigm Shift in SecOps

Let’s look at how a Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) scenario would look, both without and with the use of Cyware Quarterback.

Jane, a cloud security analyst, is tasked with maintaining the security posture of her organization's AWS infrastructure. His daily routine involves:

  1. Manual Alert Retrieval : Jane manually checks various cloud security platforms to gather the latest alerts. This process is time-consuming and requires knowledge of the specific query language for each tool.

  2. Individual Alert Analysis : She analyzes each alert to determine the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) involved. This requires significant effort and expertise and is prone to human error.

  3. CVE Lookup : For each identified TTP, Jane manually searches the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) to find related Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), a step that adds further delay to the response time.

  4. Security Group Updates : Based on her findings, Jane manually updates the security group settings in AWS EC2 to mitigate identified vulnerabilities, a process prone to oversight under pressure.

  5. Report Compilation : Finally, Jane compiles an investigation report and emails it to her team, a manual documentation process that is both time-intensive and susceptible to inconsistencies.

Once Cyware Quarterback is integrated into the security operations, Jane's workflow is dramatically streamlined and automated:

  1. Automated Alert Retrieval : Cyware Quarterback automatically retrieves the latest alerts from the cloud security platform, ensuring no delay and freeing up Jane’s time for more critical tasks.

  2. AI-driven Alert Analysis : The Quarterback AI analyzes these alerts to identify TTPs used in potential threats. This analysis is faster and more accurate, reducing the chances of human error.

  3. Automated CVE Lookup : Cyware Quarterback automatically searches the NVD for CVEs related to the identified TTPs, significantly speeding up the process and ensuring thoroughness.

  4. Security Group Automation : Based on the identified CVEs and TTPs, Quarterback automatically updates the security group settings for relevant assets in AWS EC2. This not only speeds up the response but also applies the best security practices consistently.

  5. Report Generation : Quarterback generates a detailed investigation report and automatically sends it via email to Jane and her team. This ensures consistent documentation and allows immediate action on critical findings.

With Cyware Quarterback, Jane's role in Cloud Security Posture Management transforms from being manually intensive to strategically focused, allowing her to concentrate on enhancing overall security measures rather than getting bogged down with time-consuming tasks and context switching. From having to spend hours on non-productive activities to now swiftly completing alert investigations within minutes, Quarterback makes the lives of analysts much simpler. This shift not only boosts a security team's efficiency but also significantly improves an organization's ability to respond to vulnerabilities and threats in real time.

Cyware Quarterback is No One-Trick Pony

As evident from its aforementioned capabilities, Cyware Quarterback is an expansive solution that touches key areas of security operations, including threat intelligence, incident response, vulnerability management, identity security, network security, threat hunting, and more.

This has been made possible through Cyware’s strategic focus on building an AI-native solution that is not bogged down by limitations of AI models or vendor lock-in. Cyware Quarterback is uniquely positioned to serve diverse security use cases by allowing security teams to leverage different Large Language Models (LLMs) as per their requirements. They can even bring their own model.

Moreover, Cyware’s deep expertise in building leading security orchestration and automation solutions also helps push the boundaries of its AI capabilities. Quarterback works through 400+ automation connectors that have been battle-tested by large enterprise security teams for years. These connectors enable seamless integrations with third-party cybersecurity and IT tools, unlocking 4k+ pre-trained actions that security teams can leverage from the start. Security teams can also train the Quarterback AI to add custom actions based on their specific needs, thereby making it the most flexible and versatile security AI solution in the industry.

Continuing its legacy of making security operations more streamlined, the Cyware team has spent countless hours building innovative AI interactions throughout its product portfolio, along with dedicated AI features that completely revamp the analyst experience. This includes:

  • Prompt Suggestions : Cyware Quarterback improves security decision-making by analyzing threat data in real time and offering recommendations for appropriate mitigation strategies through its prompt suggestions. This capability bridges skill gaps and assists analysts across different scenarios, ensuring a consistent and efficient response to threats.

  • Promptbooks : Quarterback’s promptbooks organize frequently used prompt sequences into an easily accessible format that allows for instant execution with just one click. This enables swift and efficient responses to routine scenarios, streamlining operations and reducing the time to action significantly. Building on this concept, Cyware Quarterback can also generate custom playbooks for orchestrating security actions at a large scale and scheduling timely automated mitigation measures for different use cases.

  • AI Hotspots : With its comprehensive integration into Cyware's product suite, Quarterback seamlessly pinpoints opportunities to deploy its AI-driven functionalities for rapid response. It identifies critical AI hotspots, offering pertinent prompt suggestions that enable analysts to react to threats directly, avoiding the need for switching contexts. This intelligent design positions Quarterback as the invaluable AI advisor for any security team.

Cyware Quarterback is just beginning its journey to reshape the cybersecurity landscape. As we continue to evolve it, we will continue to focus on expanding and refining its capabilities to further democratize access to AI across a broad spectrum of cybersecurity tools and domains. This ongoing development will ensure that Quarterback not only meets the current demands of cybersecurity professionals but also anticipates and adapts to future challenges, making it an invaluable ally for security teams worldwide.

**Built to Empower Security Analysts **

Cyware Quarterback represents an important leap forward in the field of cybersecurity. By integrating cutting-edge AI technology and smart engineering, this platform not only revolutionizes the day-to-day operations of security analysts but also redefines their role within the organization. Analysts are now empowered to shift from routine task handlers to strategic security thinkers, focusing on proactive threat analysis and comprehensive risk management. With its robust capabilities and intuitive design, Cyware Quarterback is not just enhancing the security landscape; it's setting a new standard for what we can expect from our security tools. In essence, Quarterback is crafting a streamlined, holistic experience that ensures organizations are equipped with the tools to navigate the complexities of modern cyber threats efficiently and effectively.

To learn more about Cyware Quarterback, request a free demo!

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