Technical Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform (TIP)

Aggregate and analyze threat intelligence from members and external sources, enrich threat data with additional context, and disseminate relevant intel to member organizations in real time with Cyware's Intel Exchange platform.

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Automated Bi-Directional Threat Intelligence Sharing for ISACs, ISAOs, and CERTs

Proactively stop sector-specific threats and protect critical infrastructure with end-to-end threat intelligence automation and bidirectional sharing with member organizations at machine speed.

Share Timely, Relevant Threat Intel with Members

Share actionable strategic, tactical, and technical threat intelligence with member organizations bi-directionally using the Hub-and-Spoke model in a fully automated manner.

Ingest Threat Intel from Multiple Sources

Seamlessly collect threat data in structured and unstructured formats from your member organizations and external threat intel sources, such as commercial threat feed providers, other ISACs/ISAOs, regulatory and government bodies, and CERTs.

Share Threat Intel in STIX 2.x Format

Normalize and share threat intelligence with member organizations in STIX 2.x format and automatically convert STIX 1.x (XML) to STIX 2.x (JSON). Enable better member collaboration and threat analysis with STIX-based sharing.

Build an Automated Self-Responding Ecosystem

Prioritize sector-specific threats using a custom confidence scoring engine and automate proactive actioning in member environments, such as pushing high-confidence IOCs into member blocklists and blocking IPs in firewalls.

Analyze and Enrich Threat Indicators Before Sharing

Automatically analyze and enrich threat indicators (IOCs) with additional context from third-party enrichment sources and data lakes like VirusTotal, Whois, NVD, etc. and share actionable and relevant finished threat intel with members.

Increase Sectoral Cyber Resilience

Increase the overall resilience against cyber threats in your sector and strengthen collective defense capabilities by enabling automated machine-to-machine threat intelligence sharing across connected member organizations.