Connect the Dots to Unlock the Value of Security Automation

Connect the Dots to Unlock the Value of Security Automation - Featured Image

Threat Intelligence Management Sep 28, 2023

In the age of advanced persistent threats, ransomware, supply chain threats, and state-sponsored cyberattacks, it's more vital than ever for SOC teams to be well-informed, proactive, and efficient. Over the years, the security industry has developed a wide gamut of technologies to detect and respond to cyber threats. Yet, more often than not, these technologies are deployed in a disjointed manner across different SecOps functions. Compounding this, threat intelligence workflows are often added as an afterthought, lacking tight integration with incident response, vulnerability management, threat hunting, and other key processes.

Before we get into how we can overcome these shortcomings, let us set the stage by first understanding what we are up against.

The Scale and Scope of the Challenge

Every day, enterprises are bombarded with thousands of alerts, many of which can be sophisticated, multi-vector attacks or rapidly evolving threats. At the same time, the global threat landscape is expanding, with threat actors employing novel tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that often blend in with legitimate traffic. To identify, prioritize, and respond to these threats manually would require vast teams working around the clock, and even then, the likelihood of oversights and errors would be high.

The sheer volume and complexity of the cyber threats that organizations face today have transformed managing security incidents and threat intelligence into a challenge beyond human-scale. The seemingly straightforward application of threat intelligence for proactive incident response still continues to elude many security teams.

Given the exponential growth in data and the need for rapid, accurate response, a symbiotic relationship between human expertise and automated solutions is required.

Front-line security practitioners do not need yet another addition to their toolbox. Instead, what goes a much longer way in making their lives easier is a decluttered view of their threat environment, a unified interface that helps their security tools talk to each other, and automated workflows that leverage threat intel for better threat detection and response.

Context is King

The challenges faced by SOC teams aren't just about identifying an anomaly, but understanding its genesis, its implications, and how to best address it. The integration of security incidents with threat intelligence plays a pivotal role in providing this depth of insight.

By correlating real-time incident data with accumulated threat intelligence, SOC teams can get a timeline of the adversary’s activities, their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and any patterns that emerge from their operations. This holistic perspective moves the analysis from a mere acknowledgment of an incident to understanding its place in the broader cyber threat narrative.

Thus, connecting security incidents with threat intelligence goes beyond the binary of whether an attack is taking place or not. It offers a multi-dimensional view, making it easier to discern the 'why' behind an incident, not just the 'what'. This enriched context can be instrumental in determining the severity of a threat and understanding its potential impact on an organization’s assets. By aligning response strategies with the context of the threat, organizations can ensure efficient and effective mitigation.

Applying Automation to Areas that Matter

While words like automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are often casually thrown around to paint a utopian vision of foolproof security solutions, the fine print on how these technologies are applied to SecOps is what makes the real difference.

Many mundane, behind-the-scenes parts of daily SOC workflows, such as sifting through large volumes of alerts, fetching data from different sources, and context-switching between numerous tools to piece together the puzzle behind every incident, end up consuming the most amount of time for analysts.

By letting machines do the heavy lifting when it comes to such repetitive tasks, SOC teams not only save time but can focus their efforts on in-depth analysis and critical incident investigations.

Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together

Automating manual processes is only half the battle won. As cyber threats become increasingly complex and multifaceted, the role of security orchestration in bridging gaps, eliminating redundancies, and fostering a holistic understanding of the threat landscape becomes pivotal.

Security orchestration plays an indispensable role in synthesizing diverse and often siloed security tools and processes to provide a cohesive and streamlined response mechanism. By automating and coordinating different security functions in unison, security orchestration essentially "connects the dots" between disparate data points and insights.

This interconnectedness not only optimizes the speed and efficiency of response actions but also ensures that contextual relationships between events, alerts, and threat intelligence are coherently understood. In essence, it transforms the scattered pieces of the security puzzle into a comprehensive, actionable picture, enabling organizations to respond to threats with greater agility and precision.

The Bottom Line

The marriage of security incidents and threat intelligence is a powerful union that empowers SOC teams, providing them with the insights and context they need to protect their organizations effectively. By making better use of the security data we already have through threat intelligence management, orchestration, automation, inter-team collaboration, and threat intelligence sharing, organizations can unlock the maximum value out of their investments and become truly cyber resilient.

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