Deep Instinct

Zero-Day from 2017 Used Along With Cobalt Strike Loader in Unholy Alliance

The operation involves a malicious PPSX file that drops a custom loader for the Cobalt Strike Beacon malware. The loader employs various techniques to slow down analysis and bypass security solutions.

DarkBeatC2: The Latest MuddyWater Attack Framework

The Iranian threat actor known as MuddyWater has been attributed to a new command-and-control (C2) infrastructure called DarkBeatC2, becoming the latest such tool in its arsenal after SimpleHarm, MuddyC3, PhonyC2, and MuddyC2Go.

Defend Against Threats with Cyber Fusion

Cyware is the leading provider of cyber fusion solutions that power threat intelligence sharing , end-to-end automation and 360-degree threat response.

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